
Diana Verweijen; entrepreneur, business coach, next level surgery, and host of the female leadership community 'Empower Where' an online platform that focuses on empowering women through education, inspiration and connection.
business coaching
female leadership
next level surgery

This is my story, my journey to self-development and success. From the challenges I've overcome to the milestones I've reached, my experiences are meant to inspire and to motivate.

Conceived under the Matthenesse Bridge
in Rotterdam. Born as a daughter
of an alcoholic father and a
mother who especially had an eye for

My father died on the
streets when he was only 42.
Even though I didn't really know him,
I can still say that I
am a father's daughter.

Raised in an environment in which
alcoholism, drugs, violence,
crime and poverty were normal.

Become part of 'EmpowHer'

EmpowHer is an online community that focuses on the empowerment of women by means of eduction, inspiration and connection.

EmpowHer strives to help women discover the leader within themselves.

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